Photo by Michelle Chan
Jiaqi Kang
is a doctoral student in art history at Oxford University and the founding editor-in-chief of Sine Theta, an international, print-based creative arts magazine for the Sino diaspora. They are the winner of The White Review Short Story Prize 2022, a Lambda Literary Fellow 2023, and a writing fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachussets 2024-2025. Originally from Geneva, Switzerland, they are based in Oxford, UK.
Sequence from a dream | limited edition hand-bound risograph pamphlet sold to raise money for Mahmoud's family and Hossam's family in Gaza, 11.2024
SOLD OUT. If you'd still like to donate and read the story, please email me.All my own stunts | Emerge 2023: anthology for the Lambda Literary Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices, 03.2024Sunita | LIKE A FEVER, Asia Art Archive, 10.2023
edited by Koel Chu and Paul C. FerminThe Chinese Teacher | The London Magazine, 10.2023The Trip | Finalist: Joyland Open Border Fiction Prize 2022, 01.2023Class of 1985 | Winner: The White Review Short Story Prize 2022, 09.2022
edited by Izabella Scott
translated into Chinese by Cindy Ziyun HuangUncle's house; it was noon | SUSPECT, 04.2022Cake shop | Jellyfish Review, 04.2022Northern Beggar | The Spectacle, 04.2022
edited by Jenny WuMonologue of a pirate ship that doesn't have a figurehead, or perhaps it once did, but it’s difficult to tell now because its bow is encrusted with clam shells and barnacles, which scuttle about and scream during a storm, as though they had mouths | X-R-A-Y, 10.2021
reviewed in A Personal AnthologyAn Lushan goes to war | Winner: Wadham Rex Warner Prize for Creative Writing, 06.2021slowburn AU | EX/POST, 05.2021
listed in wigleaf top 50 very short fictions, 2022Swimming with Robert Rauschenberg; he erases a drawing of me; my teeth fall out of my mouth | Tiny Molecules, 03.2021
edited by Connor HarrisonXianrenzhang | Hobart Pulp, 03.2021; Augment Review, 06.2022
edited by Kimberly BlissL'oeil d'Orochimaru | wildness, 02.2021
edited by Michelle Tudor
reviewed in fractured lit roundupDunhuang, in the summer | X-R-A-Y, 01.2021; Santa Fe Writers' Project, 02.2021
edited by Crow Jonah NorlanderDunhuang, a continuation | Santa Fe Writers' Project, 02.2021
edited by Monica PrinceGunk | Peach Mag, 01.2021The Buddha's Fist | Jellyfish Review, 10.2020Fujiyama, 2088 | perhappened, 09.2020
nominated for Best of the Net 2021
晋源 | The Lumiere Review, 09.2022
nominated for Best Microfictions 2023Having your period in August in China | Zindabad Zine, 04.2021In Year Six We Had A Substitute Teacher Whose Heels Were So Dry That They Looked Like Cracked White Marzipan; I Saw Them While Going Up Some Stairs Behind Her. I Was Transfixed. These Days My Heels Have Been Really Dry And I Guess It’s My Turn To Have Marzipan Parmesan Feet. | Bat City Review, 04.2021Love sonnet from the perspective of Rod, a jock mouse who lived on my Animal Crossing island for 3 months | Ghost City Review, 10.2020A CACTUS I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE | DAYBREAKING Zine, 09.2020Oeux | Fruit Journal #2, 08.2020hayfever | harana poetry #5, 07.2020
Selected non-fiction
News from Nowhere | TOLKA, 06.2023
edited by Catherine Hearn and Liam HarrisonPortrait of an ape | SmokeLong Quarterly, 03.2023
edited by Christopher Allen
nominated for Best of the Net 2024A Set of Differences and Relations: Review of PEARLS FROM THEIR MOUTH by Pear Nuallak | SUSPECT, 10.2022
edited by Maggie Wang
Peer-reviewed publications
Kang, Jiaqi. 'Art as Surgery: Hygiene Politics in Zhang Peili’s Glove Art, 1985–91', Art Journal, vol. 83, issue 1 (2024): 38–57. [Open access.]
University of Oxford
DPhil History of Art, 2021 - 2026 (expected)Dissertation: "A pile of filth": hygiene politics and art in China, 1983–c.2012
Young writer seeks difficulty by Dorothea Samaha, Provincetown Independent, 02.2025Ten Poets, Writers, and Translators Welcomed at FAWC by Eve Samaha, Provincetown Independent, 10.2024Kang wins White Review Short Story Prize by Ruth Comerford, The Bookseller, 10.2022

Photo by Emily Schiffer for the Provincetown Independent
blogjiaqikangwrites at gmail.comrepresented by Matthew Turner at RCW: matthew at rcwlitagency.com